Artist: Alison Nampitjinpa Anderson
7 Dreamings (#2)
- Regular price $2,200.00
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Artist: Alison Nampitjinpa Anderson
Dimensions: 420 x 150cm
Sku: RDD789
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Authentic Original Australian Aboriginal Art
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7 Dreamings (#2)
This lovely piece is part of a very impressive septych (7 combined works) by Alison Nampitjinpa Anderson is a bold and arresting work. With all 7 pieces together it's dimension are 150cm x 420cm and the effect when viewed together is as dramatic as one might expect.
While each individual element can be purchased separately, it would be a shame to break this unique set of connected artworks apart. Even if hung on different walls in the same space, these paintings really deserve to be viewed as a whole collection.
Dimensions: 150 x 60cm